Outreach – Revival is Work

Everyone has a field of labor everywhere you go.  You are a witness!  Revival is WORK and requires on the job prayers, witnessing, testimonies, burden and concern.  Be sensitive to the need and be the answer.  You may only have one chance to make a difference when a soul is at stake.

South Texas Camp Meeting 2014

It’s Camp Meeting time in South Texas! Camp Meeting will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center on June 18-20th.  Services will be at 7:30 each nigh.  Speakers will be Bro. David Shatwell on Wednesday.  Bro. Mike Williams on Thursday and Bro. Aaron Soto on Friday.  Make plans to attend and have a great time of fellowship and worshiping together with all churches of the South Texas District.


Don’t do things on purpose, do things IN purpose…. Pastor Custer

From the Pastor:

The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in the battle…

If you can stay focused, get your Holy Ghost defense system tuned in on the small foxes and convert your activities in the “dark” from positive to negative your victory will be as sure as the mighty oak.

Something to Die for…. Not With…

I am so glad that Jesus chose to die for us and not with us.  Just as importantly is the fact that he gave us something worth dying for. We are not called just to be saved, we are saved to be a witness.  You can’t die for the cause without living for the cause.





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