Bulletin – August 5, 2012

How About Your Faith?

In spite of anything God has ever done do you still find it difficult to trust Him?  If Elijah had not been convinced of rain he would never have sent his servant to look for an approaching cloud. God still needs someone to be an Elijah. Could the next one be you?

 It is easier to simply say- things like that happen than it is to be the one God uses to work through.   Many people limit their faith in God  because they are thinking of themselves. They are concerned about what others might think of them if things don’t happen like they said. They are afraid they will step out on a limb and nothing will happen. An essential element in being used of God is to quit thinking and simply respond by faith. When you pause to think you override faith.  This is not about you. This is about God. Signs follow our actions of faith. They do not lead the way, but they follow after us. God searches for people who will trust Him enough to obey and leave the results to God.

 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. He is still the Savior, healer, and deliverer.  The people that know Him shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:28).  Few things will renew your faith and excitement like a fresh testimony of personal faith. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose. God wants to do great things through your faith as well.  I encourage you to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints (Jude3). Signs still do follow true believers.



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